English, Life, Plans, talk

The Beginning

Hey there! Thank you for visiting my blog. It is not recent my interest in writing my own blog. Since the days when I used to frequent Ersanio’s old SMW Hacking blog (which apparently is gone unfortunately – but you can access (and I recommend!) his new blog here), not counting the many brazilian blogs I used to visit sometimes. These were the 2009-2011 days.

But we are now in 2018. Pretty much eight years passed! So why are you making your blog just now, Vitor Vilela?!

Certainly, I have thought about many times. “Should I create a blog?” “Will I have enough free time?” “How many people would be interested in my writings?” “Will my English cause any trouble in my posts?” Time passed and I have decided that it is finally a good time to give it a try. Although my free time is not the same anymore compared to the past years, with some effort and dedication I think I can certainly keep this blog up to date with some quality and reasonable frequency.

Additionally, with a good portion of things to write about. Today I find myself much more experienced to talk about anything in the SMW Hacking scene and secure about many things, including polemic questions. My english typing skill is still very far from perfection, but the only way for improving it is by practicing, so I do not have any other option other than… typing!

Why “Vilela’s World”?

Honestly, I am not that good with naming things, haha! But because I wanted a blog to talk about pretty much anything, I did not want to the name have anything related to ‘ROM Hacking’, ‘SMW Hacking’, ‘Mario’, ‘Games’, ‘Computers’, ‘ASM’, ‘Logic’, etc. I wanted a blog name that it could give me the freedom to talk about anything, even literature or medicine, if some day I ever end up writing about it!

“Vilela’s World” came from some nick names I used to have on the Internet, mostly related to Twitter and gaming accounts. It’s different from ‘VitorVilela’ because it won’t contain my full name, but still it has my surname (Vilela) and ‘World’ gives a feeling that I can talk and write about anything. Anything in the world. Not my world, obviously, but everything I have seen, read and experienced it in our world I can eventually write about. But my posts will still have some context related to the Internet profile (Vitor Vilela) that a lot of people know about. And certainly will know much more.

Now what?

Stay tuned in for new posts! If you would like to me write about a certain subject, feel free to post a comment or contact me! I hope you all enjoy my readings and certainly I will have a good time writing a bit. My plans is to make 3-4 posts per month but that can always change and I will let you guys know when my schedule change.

So that’s all for now! Have an awesome day!

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